As a service to members and thanks to the generosity of Gillian Rix, the following books are available for loan from the collection of her late husband, the publisher Tim Rix.
Henry-Louis de La Grange
Mahler. Volume 1 (1860-1897).
Gollancz. 1974. Henry-Louis de La Grange
Gustav Mahler: Volume 2: Vienna: The Years of Challenge (1897-1904).
OUP. 1995. Henry-Louis de La Grange
Gustav Mahler. Volume 3: Vienna: Triumph and Disillusion (1904-1907).
OUP. 1999. David Holbrook.
Gustav Mahler and The Courage To Be.
Vision. 1975. Herta Blaukopf (Ed)
Mahler's Unknown Letters.
Gollancz. 1986. Alma Mahler and Donald Mitchell (Ed).
Gustav Mahler: Memories and Letters.
John Murray. 1973. Jonathan Carr
The Real Mahler.
Constable. 1997.
Michael Kennedy
The Master Musicians: Mahler.
Dent. 1974. Norman Lebrecht
Mahler Remembered.
Faber & Faber. 1987 [2 copies] Egon Gartenberg
Mahler: The Man and His Music.
Cassell. 1978. Kurt Blaukopf (Ed)
Mahler: A Documentary Study.
Thames & Hudson. 1976. Henry Raynor
The Musicians: Mahler.
Macmillan. 1975. Donald Mitchell (Ed)
Gustav Mahler: the world listens.
TEMA. 1995. Deryck Cooke
Gustav Mahler: An Introduction to his Music.
Faber & Faber. 1980. Natalie Bauer-Lechner
Recollections of Gustav Mahler.
Faber & Faber. 1980. Norman Del Mar
Mahler's Sixth Symphony – A Study.
Eulenburg. 1980. Herta Blaukopf
Gustav Mahler – Richard Strauss: Correspondence 1888-1911.
Faber & Faber. 1984.
Stuart Feder
Gustav Mahler: A Life in Crisis.
Yale University Press. 2004. Kurt Blaukopf
Gustav Mahler.
Allen Lane. 1973. Neville Cardus
Gustav Mahler: His Mind and His Music: Volume I: the first five symphonies.
Gollancz. 1965. Donald Mitchell
Gustav Mahler: The Wunderhorn Years.
Faber & Faber. 1975.