Die Liebe weckt die Lieder!
Love Awakens the Songs!
Charlotte Hoather (soprano) and George Todica (pianist) perform Lieder by Gustav Mahler, Alma Mahler and Franz Schubert.
A Socially Distanced ‘Knaben Wunderhorn’
Presented jointly by the Gustav Mahler Foundation UK and the Pontiac Enchanté Concert Series this video album features a selection of lieder from Gustav Mahler's 'Des Knaben Wunderhorn', performed by Caitlin Halcup (mezzo-soprano), Florian Thomas (tenor) and Carson Becke (piano).
1. Opening remarks to 'A Socially Distanced Knaben Wunderhorn' by Anthony Raumann, chairman of the Gustav Mahler Society UK
4. Rheinlegendschen (Little Rhine Legend)
5. Lob des hohen Verstandes (In praise of high intellect)
7. Es sungen drei Engel einen süssen Gesang (Three angels were singing a sweet song)
9. Wo die schönen Trompeten blasen (Where the splendid trumpets sound)
11. Der Tamboursg'sell (The Drummer Boy) from 'Des Knaben Wunderhorn'
2. Pianist Carson Becke’s introduction
3. Wer hat dies Liedlein erdacht? (Who made up this little song?)
6. Verlor'ne Müh' (Wasted effort)
8. Rheinlegendschen (Little Rhine Legend)
10. Ich ging mit Lust durch einen grünen Wald (I walked joyfully through a green wood)
12. Ich ging mit Lust durch einen grünen Wald (I walked joyfully through a green wood)
A world premiere
In May 2020 we were delighted to broadcast a worldwide premiere of Simon Wallfisch and Iain Farrington’s video recital on Youtube. This will be available to view until May 2021