Membership brings you annually four issues of the Society’s newsletter, The Wayfarer, together with opportunities to attend talks, study days and the annual dinner. The Society offers contact with fellow Mahlerians and also discounts on concerts. The AGM, notice of which is given to all members, normally takes place in the summer and is timed, whenever possible, to coincide with a Society event.
Joining the Society
Individual: £25
Two at the same address: £30
Student: £10
Applications received after 1 September will provide membership
until 31 December of the following year.
Please complete and return the Membership Application Form.
Payment either by cheque OR standing order
Post your completed Membership Application Form, together with a cheque made payable to ‘The Gustav Mahler Society UK’ to:
Gustav Mahler Society UK Membership
11 Whitelands Avenue
Standing Order
Please contact your bank to set up your standing order using the bank details on the application form.
Please consider Gift Aid membership if you are eligible
Please return the form to us via post or email so that we can add you to the Society’s records.
NB we adhere to the Data Protection Act