Gustav Mahler Society in the North and Midlands
We are a group of Mahler enthusiasts based in the Midlands and North of England. In 2016 we began GMS North & Midlands with the aim of creating an interactive informal social group within the GMSUK membership, to coordinate information about Mahler related events in locations north of London, and to meet up from time to time at concerts and other Mahler related events. However we have since gone on to put on our own events, including three successful study days. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Darren, Robin, Penny or Will for more details.
To become a member of the Gustav Mahler Society UK, please click the Join Us button above, fill in the application form and return to the address given. Please note your subscription will cover our group as well.
Robin Taylor (Lichfield) info@mahlersociety.org
Penny Young (Worcester) info@mahlersociety.org
Darren Niman (Manchester) info@mahlersociety.org
Will Peters (Wrexham) info@mahlersociety.org
Study Event coming shortly in Birmingham
GMS UK North and Midlands are currently putting together a Study Event for Saturday 9 November in Birmingham. The subject will be Gustav Mahler and Leonard Bernstein.
Please make a note in your diary!
Our North and Midlands Group are always keen to support community orchestras.
They frequently travel to performances of Mahler in other towns, sometimes near to where they live and sometimes far afield. If you want to know what was happening in Wilmslow, Cheshire, (see the photos) click here.
Coming up on Sunday 30 June in the Kings Hall, Ilkley, Yorkshire, the Airedale Symphony Orchestra play a varied programme of Shostakovich, Grieg and finally Mahler Symphony no. 5. For details, see their website: https://www.airedaleso.org.uk/concerts/
The conductor of Sheffield Philharmonic, George Morton, tells us that the orchestra is performing Mahler Symphony no. 4 on Saturday 9 November 2024 in Victoria Hall, Sheffield.
GMS UK was delighted to support Classical Sheffield in March 2023 when George Morton and the Sheffield Philharmonic with their choir, plus the Hallam Sinfonia and their choir, played the Symphony no. 2 with soloists Ella Taylor, soprano, and Anna Harvey, mezzo.
George has written to tell us: "All of us involved in the Mahler 2 performance last year are very proud of what we managed to achieve and regularly reminisce! Thanks again for joining us there, it was wonderful to meet you!"
He continues that the performance of the Symphony no. 4 this coming November is: "again with the magnificent Ella Taylor. Ella will also perform Clara Schumann’s 6 Lieder Op. 13, in a new orchestration the orchestra have commissioned me to complete. We’re very excited to delve into more Mahler!"
You can see the photo we took of George and of Ella after last year's amazing performance. Here's hoping that the audience on 9 November will be full of GMS UK members, plus lots of Mahler fans AND some people who don't know Mahler's music, YET !
On 14 March 2024 the China Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra performed Mahler Symphony no. 1 at City Hall Sheffield. Their conductor was Daye Lin. The programme included works by Tan Dun and Chausson with soloists Tamsin Waley-Cohen violin and Jiapeng Nie cello.
Click the link to read about the GMS UK North and Midlands Group’s experience of the performance and of and talking with the Sheffield audience.
Follow this link to read about the stunning performance of the European Doctors’ Orchestra performance of Mahler Symphony No. 3 at the Bridgewater Hall, Manchester on 3 September 2023.
September has been a busy month for Mahler fans in Manchester. Follow this link for an account of the Halle Orchestra’s performance of Mahler Symphony No. 9 on 21 September 2023.
Manchester audiences have also heard some music by Alma Mahler, Gustav’s wife. Follow this link to read about the BBC Philharmonic’s performance with Dame Sarah Connolly.
We are always delighted to hear about our members’ own musical activities. Follow the link to see what GMS UK North and Midlands committee member, Penny Young, was up to earlier this year.
We are all impressed by the stamina of our Midlands members!!
So what is the rest of the North and Midlands up to?
If you are a GMS UK member in the North and Midlands please send us any Mahler-related news or updates. We will be happy to post them!